The Future's Bright, The Future's Yellow

Last updated : 01 November 2005 By Thetashkentterror

Snow joke: The referee loses
his coin at an Arsenal-Man Utd
match in 1926
For the next four months it's yellow ball time as the weather worsens and it becomes harder to keep up with the action in the sleet and snow.

Mitre are the official ball suppliers to the Football League and it will be their Pro 100 T Fluo that will take over on the pitch and make life easier on the eyes until the 28th of February.

Now the official Football League website tells us in true marketing speak that :

" The revolutionary football enables excellent visibility in low light conditions whilst still retaining all the controllable aerodynamics of the regular Pro 100 T.

" When struck, the ball's superior technology transfers all the power from the player to the ball for better speed, accuracy and control.The revolutionary football has a 26-panel straight seam construction that makes a truly round ball ensuring controllable aerodynamics. "

So by the sounds of all that technical jargon if only these footballs had been around when Craig Goldsmith was at the club he might have been blessed with a longer career. You can't ask for miracles though I suppose.